Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pardon the dust...'s been a vveerrrryyyy long time since I posted anything. A bit of dust accumulating here. Apologies, and all.

This summer was an experiment for me as a teacher/preacher. A 10 week series! That's at least three weeks longer than anything previously attempted. And, it was a series based on the Core Values of Seneca Creek. WHY? Because they're so, well, CORE. Actually, once we got into them, it went really fast. (In the interest of full disclosure, I must say that three and a half of the weeks were taught by others on our staff team.)

The cool part is that these values are now working their way into our vocabulary...including mine! And they're working their way into our thinking. And they're working their way into our church. Here they are:
  1. Everyone deserves to be introduced to Jesus
  2. If God isn’t changing your life, you need a bigger God
  3. It’s impossible to love others without serving them
  4. Our interactions either attract others to Jesus or drive them away
  5. The church has no walls
  6. We are all created for authentic community
  7. Innovation and failure form the bridge to the future
  8. In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity (love)
  9. Pray and plan as if God is going to show up
  10. Excellence honors God and inspires people
That' the kind of church I want to be part of. How about you? If one of these really resonates for you, sound off on the comment section below. We'd love to hear from you!

-Mark T.